Relationships with the Institutions

Among the cultural institutions of Modena with which our Society has had very close links, there is the “Accademia di Scienze Lettere e Arti”. Nearly all the chairpersons of our Society and several members have also been effective or corresponding members of this Academy, which was founded in Modena in 1683 with the name of “Accademia dei Dissonanti”.

During the leadership of Carlo Boni, there were also close links with the Civic Museums and the Municipality of Modena, which provided support and hospitality to our Society. In addition, the Estense Library hosted some of our historical material for over half a century.

In various periods of its history, our Society has had relationships with the “Stazione Sperimentale Agraria” (Experimental Agriculture Station), which is an important research institution active in Modena since 1871. To this purpose, the fruitful leadership of Giuseppe Lopriore should be remembered, who was chairman of our Society in the 1919-20 period. Also Alfonso Draghetti was in charge of this important institution. He was a member, counsellor and eventually vice-chairman of the “Società dei Naturalisti e Matematici di Modena”.

There have been also mutual, fruitful relationships with the University of Modena – today University of Modena and Reggio Emilia – marked by the regular publication of our journal “Atti”, where the results attained by our University researchers in all fields of Natural History are published. Thanks to this collaboration, many museum finds have been collected and later gifted to the University museums. In 1893, our Society stood firmly against the threatened closedown of Modena University.

In June 1996, the “Società dei Naturalisti e Matematici di Modena” entered the group of ten Centenary Associations of Modena in order to constitute the Union of the Centenary Associations in Modena.

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